Archive for June, 2010

A survey of specie and foreign dealings

M.S.Collis, unitedly with San Shwe Bu.

Coins bumped in Arakan
Mr Htoon Aung Gyaw, Barrister-at-law and certain other private aggregator of Akyab hold in their ownership over a hundred coins encountered in Arakan. When recently arranged by Mister San Shwe Bu, many of them were seen to be extras, but sixteen belonging to the Maruk-U dynasty ( 1430 to 1784 Advertising ) were distinguishable specimens, bearing the dates and rubrics of xv different Rex of that clip. Furthermore there were a couple of coins belonging to the Wesali dynasty ( 788 to 951 Advert ). I advise in that paper to demonstrate the relationship of these coins to Indian specie as a whole and to utilise them as a papers from which to pull certain general determinations on the history of Arakan. As that history holds ne’er been pent and as the data for the early centuries are spare and controversial, I bank that the inevitable defects of this sum-up will be understood and pardoned.

Types of Indian specie; Hindu

Verbalize generally the coins of India fall under two distinguishable types, the Hindoo and the Mohamedan. Specimens of Hindustani specie of equally far back as 600B.C. are in the British Museum, but it was not until Bharat inherited contact with Mediterranean civilisation in 327B.C. that its mintage developed and got an art. This connexion, beginning with the invansion of Alexander and proceeding through the Satraps into Roman times ensued firstly in the contact of coins mostly pure Hellenic in designing and gradually in the version of that designing to Hindoo terminals. With the Guptas ( 320 to 455 Advertising ) a mintage holded been developed which while owing much to the Greek theory of descriptor, was pure Hindu in feeling. Now all this Hindustani mintage, from its highest as a work of art to its lowest as a fell confusion, holds certain definite features. It exhibits portraitures of Rex, figures and faunas, divinities and symbols of gods. Letterings take a rattlingly low-level spot; dates are infrequent; as it is not e’er possible to place a coin with a particular Rex, a categorization by dynasties and vicinities is the most that can ofttimes be tried.

Types of Indian specie:
Mohamedan specie, which inherited Bharat in 1203 Advertisement holds opposite features. It is of an inscriptional nature. Salve for a couple of elisions, it comprises not a portraiture or a fig. The Rex ‘s name, rubric, date and religion are carefully entered. The coin ‘s artistic virtue depends upon the penmanship; and as everyone is cognizant who holds examined the Persian playscript as at mural ornament this can give a unusually balanced and critical notion of art.

Coins of Arakan
The coins happened in Arakan belong to both the groupings depicted supra; those of Wesali are Hindustani and those of Mrauk-U are Mahomedan. In order to understand the Wesali coins it will be necessary to pose downward here in lineation what is cognise of that Land you said it it fill in relation to bordering provinces.

Wesali, Archeologic grounds
The ruins of the metropolis are still to be seen on the bank of a tidal brook about six mis from Mrauk Uracil ( now cognise as Myohaung ) and about 50 mis inland from the Embayment of Bengal. The site holds neither been appraised nor unearthed, but the insouciant perceiver may comprehend the remains of brick walls enveloping a big country. On the south side was to be seen until tardily parts of a rock wharfage. Within the walls are numerous hills and lying on them are pieces of rock statuary, bas-reliefs, capitals, flowered designs in rock and letterings in the Nagari character of the 8 Th
century. All these remains are purely Hindoo in executing and topic. The figures correspond gods; on the capitals is the sacred bull of Siva; the manner is unsmooth than the best Hindu work, but is not demoralise. Nighly by the walls is a big rock monolith of Siddhartha belonging to the same date. This is the image now cognise as the Paragri, praying at which Fra Manrique chance Rex Thiri-thu-dhamma eight centuries afterward. Various Nagari letterings, still undeciphered,
hold been encountered in the neighbourhood of the metropolis; and at Mahamuni, 15 mis N E, are to be seen environing the hill on which once sat the great image of the Siddhartha, which is now Mandalay, a figure of statues and bas-reliefs of the Hindoo Pantheon. Uncomplete and insufficiently worked out as is this archaeologic grounds, it proposes that in the metropolis of
Wesali were exercised both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths or that it was a Mahayanist metropolis.

Wesali MSS. grounds
Mr San Shwe Bu holds putted in my mitts his rendering of a queer Arakanese Ms. named. “ Trueness history of the Great Image ” 1
Its penmanship is order than that of the balance of the MSS. in mypossession.- San Shwe Bu. The age of this Ms like that of most
Arakanese MSS. is unknown, but it purports to give some story of the Wesali dynasty. It contents therein regard may be summarised as follows: –

The area now known as north Arakan had been for many years before the 8th century the seat of Hindu dynasties; in 788 A.D. a new dynasty known as the Chandra, founded the city of Wesali; this city became a noted trade port to which as many as a thousand ships came annually; the Chandra kings were upholders of Buddhism, guarding and glorifying the Mahamunni shrine; their territory extended as far north as Chittagong; the dynasty came to an end in 957 A.D. being overwhelmed by a Mongolian invasion. The decision to be forced from this Ms. is that Wesali was an eastern Hindustani realm of Bengal, following the Mahayanist descriptor of Buddhism and that both authorities and people were Indian as the Mongolian inflow holded not yet occurred.

Testimony from the history of Bengal

I. Fa-Hien
400 eld before the Chandras, Fa-Hien ( 405-411 Advert ), the Chinese pilgrim, seed the champaign of Hindustan when that land was governed by the Guptas. The supreme authorities was Brahmanical, but he was able to accumulate from the grands of Mahayanist and Hinayanist monasteries, which were booming side by side with the temples of the ancient God, amounts of Buddhist books and relics, with which he returned to Cathay.

was no more Buddhist as it holded been at the clip of Asoka ( 272B.C. ); but numerous Buddhist foundations runned.

II. Hiuen Tsang
A hundred and l geezerhood before the Chandras, another Chinese pilgrim, Hiuen Tsang ( 630 Advertisement ) seed the same country, so under the Emperor Harsha. Hiuen Tsang himself was a Mahayanist and from the conversation he says he kept with Harsha, it is clear that the latter likewise runned to it spiritual perspective, though in the class of his reign he holded maked temples to Shiva, to the Sun and to Buddha. Hiuen Tsang returned to Cathay with C of Buddhist MSS. But his chronicle of how the Bodhi tree at Gaya holded been turn up and the step of Buddha at Pataliputra destruct by the Puranic Hindus let us to pull the decision that Hinayanism holded already flown the nation and that Mahayana was verily a compromise in which the Hindu God and Gautama ranked as.

The Pala Kings of Bengal
If we now turn along to the history of this Ganges country at a period modern-day to it of the Chandras, we happen a farther development of the same inclination. The opinion dynasty, the Pala, was Mahayanist; it was in communicating with Thibet, to which land it directed two missions; and the last of the Dak developed the Tantrik side of Mahayana.

Decision: Wesali a Mahavanist Province
These are some of the data for organizing an view as to the spiritual status of Bengal from 400-1000 Advertizing As Wesali was a Hindoo Province adjacent thereto, the given is that its spiritual history was similar. Hinayanism holded disappeared; Mahayanism holded compromised with original Hinduism to such a point that Gautama holded gone one of many God; even the sexual thaumaturgy of Tantricism was no anomaly. Such, it seems, was the Chandra realm of Wesali, Mahayanist in the sense that word transported in the Bengal of the Eighth century. It is important that at least one Tantric sculpture holds been happened in Wesali.

The mintage of Wesali
The Wesali coins can now be appreciated. They hold been picked upon the site and a considerable figure are in being. Some of them are equally big as a modern rupee; others resemble in size a four anna spot. They are of good Ag and goodly upholded. Stumped on them are the bull, Nandi, the embodiment of Siva; Siva ‘s trident; on one is what looks to be a vase of votive flowers; on some there is an unreadable Devanagari insciption. Artistically they are a long fashion behind the Gupta coins, but they lie therein tradition and are superior to many of the adulterate coins of Southern India. Though all the symbols that happen on them are to be encountered at one clip or another among those struck on Indian coins, I hold seen none that are precisely their cusses. They hold a generic similarity to the species of some of the lesser Indian States, and there is without doubt both from the figure of them now privately accumulations, from their uniformity of designing and verying values that they were coins and not, as holds been advised, commemorating tablets. So, from what I hold already mentioned of the size of Wesali and its foreign trade, to say that it holded no mintage would be to contend an exclusion, for at that period in Bharat all provinces of any importance holded at least a silver currency. Wesali, as will be explicated subsequently, must be reckoned not as an early Burmese but as a late Hindoo Province. With the whole tradition of the great Hindoo past it holded inherited specie. All these data signal that the coins of Wesali were in the pure Brahmanical tradition. But coins bearing Brahmanical symbols are not inconsistent with a Mahayanist dynasty. I am not cognizant of any Indian coin of a period after than the 1 st
century Advert, which incorporates a Buddhist fig, symbol or lettering. The Mahayanist Rex of the periods adverted above struck Brahmanical coins. Zip is thence more to be anticipated than that the Wesali coins should besides be Brahminic. It is merely another proof of how nighly the Mahayanist Buddhism of 8 Th
century Bengal approximated to Hinduism.

The terminal of Wesali & the beginning of the Arakanese
Such was the realm of Wesali, an Indian province in the manner of the period. But in 957 Advertising occurred an event which was to modify it from an Indian into an Indo-Chinese land and to invest the part of Arakan with its present features. The “ True Story ” records that in the twelvemonth 957 Ad, a Mongolian invasion overtook Wesali, destruct the Chandras and putted on their throne Mongolian Rex. This important statement can fortunately be richly confirmed. Over the borderline in Bengal the same inundation carry off the Pala Rex. The grounds for this latter irruption is fullly mentioned in a paper by Mr Banerji and there is to be sure that the Mongolian invasion, which ended the swayer of the Dak, shutted besides the era of the Chandras. But while in Bengal the Hindus recovered their domination in a couple of geezerhood, it would look that in Arakan the entry of the Mongolians was decisive. They cut Arakan offly from India and fusing in sufficient figure with the habitant of the east side of the present Indo-Burma divide, maked that Indo-Mongoloid stock now cognise as the Arakanese. This outgrowth of a new race was not the work of a individual invasion. The MSS record subsequent Mongolian incursions. But the date 957 Advertising, may be stated to label the appearance of the Arakanese, and the beginning of a fresh period.

The period 957-1430 A D, General features

The key feature of the new period is that Arakan ( as the country may now be named ) looked E alternatively of West. The Mongolians were barbarians and following their invasion supervened a period of dark. But the encroachers went educated in the civilization of the state they holded suppressed. The ensuing civilisation was of a medieval character. The capital was locomoted from Wesali to the Lemro river, some 15 mis sou’-east. There during the resulting centuries numerous dynasties governed, each with its ain metropolis but ever in the same neighbourhood. Few archeologic remains of this period of five centuries be, though brick foundations may be seen on the Lemro bank. There was no specie. This fact is important as setting the age in its position. We hold here to make with a little land in an age of little lands. In Bengal the Mohamedans were not to come till 1203. Over the mounts in Myanmar proper was the quaint realm of Gentile. It was with Infidel solely the Arakan holded any considerable traffics and it was to larn much. Therefore during these five centuries the denizens of Arakan got more similar to the indweller of Myanmar and less like Indians. Their faith got less Mahayanist and more Hinayanist. The nexus with the yesteryear, nonetheless, was the Mahamuni image, which was still in its old spot, for it accommodated as goodly into Hinayana as into Mahayana.

Particular Features of the period 957-1430 A D
Arakan got feudatory to Infidel, that is to tell it kept its ain Rex but paid tribute as an acknowledgment of suzerainty. There were a route tying the Lemro with Infidel. That route was cognized as the Buywet ma-nyo. It holds long been overgrown, but the present Authorities is seeking to resurvey it. It was along that route that the thoughts of Myanmar passed into Arakan. Infidel herself holded modified from the Mahayanist to the Hinayanist signifier of Buddhism and the alteration was transmitted to Arakan during the eleventh and 12th centuries. Burmese writhing come across at the same clip and in the same mode. No letterings in the Burmese playscript are happened in Arakan before that date. The interrogation of the outgrowth of the Arakanese language is more hard. Whether it was the language of the Mongolian encroacher ‘s of the 10 Th
century or whether it filtrated across the mounts after contract with Burma in the 11 Thursday
and 12 Th
centuries is undetermined. As Arakanese is the same language as Burmese, being merely a idiom, to say that it was the language of the encroachers is to postulate that the Mongolians who extinguished the Chandras verbalise the same clapper as those who afterward got rife in the Irrawaddy field. If the opposite is postulated, and it is reason that the Burmese language, come across the mount route, impinged upon the Mongolian address of the so Arakanese and maked modern Arakanese, lingual troubles are raised which are hard to work. This inquiry looks mind.

The Mahamuni image and Heathen
The great preoccupation of the Lemro dynasties during this medieval period was the care of the Mahamuni image. As it was believed to be a alikeness of the Maestro cast during his life clip its ownership gave Arakan and important place in the eyes of the Infidel Rex. For monarchs who holded constructed so many thousand pagodas and who holded stir up so sacred a metropolis as Gentile, the ownership of Mahamuni would hold been the Crown of their enterprises. But the Arakanese holded an old belief that if it left their nation, it would contemporise with the ruination of their race. As they were not strong plenty to guard it by force of munitions, they utilise that funny system of wizardly astrology, cognise as Yadaya, to protect it. They tried to render its site unapproachable for invanders or spoilers by enveloping it in a wizardly internet. Both Anawratha and Alaungsithu, though suzerain lords of Arakan and though both dearly yearned to shrine the great Gautama in their ain capital metropolis, neglected to take it. The authors of the mses reason that the Yadaya computations were goodly pulled. Being unable to take it, they worshipped there and the fact that the most venerable image of all Budddhism was located in Arakan ensued in much coming and locomoting between that state and the land of Gentile. Therefore were the two nations forced nighlytogether.The route over the mounts went a trade itinerary. The MSS. link great carnivals maintained thereon at a point between the two States. But of specie there was no demand.

Drumhead of the Lemro period
During these d geezerhood Arakan got a Canaan. It holded no political importance, but was a spot of pilgrimage for the Buddhist macrocosm. Neither commercial nor cosmopolitan like the land of Wesali, it developed those racial and spiritual charactristics which tag it still.

Arakan looks Occident again1450A.D
But India was again to play its portion in the fashioning of Arakan. To understand the age of Mrauk-U ( 1430 – 1785 A Calciferol ), the profound alterations which holded pass off in Bengal since the clip of the Dhak must be named to mind.

The Universe motion of Islam
When the life locomoted out of the Roman Imperium, kin vital drove the followers of Mahound to make a polity in its lieu. Under the propelling conviction of their war-religion they overran the mediate block of Eurasia. Europe was curtailled well-nigh to little provinces on the Atlantic see board. Islamic civilisation broadened from Cordova to Dhaka. An average perceiver of the period would hold seen null in the universe but Islam. From all points of position, military, political and cultural, the Moslem Sultanates were in the vanguard of civilisation. For every other province they corresponded modernness, as industrial Europe now correspond what is modern for Asia and Africa. Bengal was absorbed into this great polity in 1293 Angstrom Viosterol But that was its extreme eastern bound. It ne’er passed into Indochina; and its influence from its reaching in 1203 to 1430 was negligible upon Arakan.

Why Arakan turned towards Bharat in 1450
The fortunes which doed Arakan crook from the Eastward and look Occident to the Moslem States were political. In 1404 Angstrom D, Minute Byword Mwan was Rex of Arakan, governing from Launggret, one of the Lemro Cities already named. As the Rex of Heathen holded considered Arakan as their feudatory, the Kings of Ava, who won them, saw no ground why they should not confirm that position. Furthermore the Arakanese holded devil them by bust Swerve and Laungshe. Accordingly the heritor evident to the throne of Ava occupied Arakan in 1406. Minute Byword Mwan flied the nation, taking safety at Gaur, the capital of the Sultan of Bengal. That land holded been independent of the Sultanate of Delhi for eighty six geezerhood. It was one of the many autonomous provinces of the creation broad Moslem polity. The Arakanese Rex rested there for twenty four eld, leaving his commonwealth in the paws of the Burmese.

Launching of Mrauk-U
Nasir-ud-din Shah got Sultan in 1426 and Minute Byword Mwan prevailed on it sovereign to reconstruct him to the throne of Arakan, as his affluent. Force of fortunes doed him prefer to name himself a vassal of the Sultans of Bengal than of the Rex of Ava. He turned forth from what was Buddhistic and familiar to what was Mohamedan and foreign. In so making he loomed from the mediaeval to the modern, from the frail fairyland of the Glass Castle History to the robust extravaganza of the K Nights and one Nighttime. Nasir-ud-din reconstruct him in 1430 Advertizing and Mrauk-U was maked. It is notable that one of that Sultan ‘s coins was recently bumped near the site of that metropolis. It is a unequaled papers in the history of Arakan.

Beginning of Arakanese specie
When the Moslems entered Bengal in 1203, they presented the inscriptional type of specie already drawn therein paper. Nasir-ud-din ‘s coin is in the tradition and it get on that coin and its lads that the mintage of that coin and its lads that the specie of Mrauk-U was afterwards pattern. In that style Arakan went definitely pointed towards the Moslem Province. Contact with a modem civilisation ensued in a Renaissance. The land ‘s great age got.

The Mrauk-U dynasty1450-1786
Shin Arahan would hold bumped himself equally much inapposite at the judicature of Gaur asSt.Bernard in the University of Cordova. To avoid such a esthesis and bit vantage from alteration, the Arakanese need to desolate a manner in thoughts, which holded fallen behind in the March of the universe ‘s idea, and take themselves up up to now.

1430-1530. As feudatory to Bengal
They need to larn the history of recent events, the signification of the victory of Islam you bet it comed that the chief Moslem supporters were Mongolian.
For it was a peculiar fact that while the regime of Further India was Mongolian-Buddhist, that of Bharat and westwards beyond was Mongolian-Mohamedan. Located as they were between the two, the Arakanese holded chance of discovering their primal difference. That basic differentiation centred in the affair of warfare and agggrandisement. While for Further India warfare was incorrect and justly passed incidentally, for the Muslim block it was the first preoccupation of authorities. It took the Arakanese a hundred geezerhood to larn that philosophy from the Muslim Mongolians. When it was goodly understood, they launched what was cognized as the Arakanese imperium. For the hundred ages, 1430 to 1530, Arakan stayed feudatory to Bengal, paid testimonial and learnt history and politics. Xi Rex followed one another at Mrauk-U in insignificant successiveness. If they struck coins, none hold been happened. In 1531 Minbin ascended the throne. With him the Arakanese graduated in their Muslim surveys and the imperium was established.

The Mrauk-U dynasty. Period Two, 1531-1638
Two capital events happened which gave the now learnt Arakan its arm and its chance, the reaching of the Portuguese and civil warfare in Bengal.

The Portuguese
The Portuguese comed in eastern Waters about the yr 1500 in hunt of trade. From the Indian point of position they were an vague folk living the extreme border of the Muslim rule; in point of fact they holded but recently won in driving the Moslem out of their ain Iberian peninsular. Between them and India was the solid block of the Mussalman provinces and they holded thence been obligated to sail round by the Ness of Good Hope. But they holded one extraordinary and unequaled characterstic – they were seafarers, supreme seamen. There were no other crewman of note in the universe. The tremendous Moslem rule was military. It holded no demand of the sea because its trade in Eur-Aisa were overland. The Portuguese shipmen were a mere smattering; the entire population of their commonwealth would not hold filled a twelve of the biggerer Indian metropolises; but as they were unopposed on the sea, they bumped themeselves in bidding of it. Holded this not been the instance they could ne’er hold looked the least bit in eastern Waters so far from their base. But it was not adequate to be in bid of the sea; some point d’appui ashore for trade and refitting was indispensable. This they got in assorted neighbourhoods by peaceable agreement with the local say-so. Looking for such a grant Don Jao de Silveira entered the haven of Arakan in 1517, fourteen geezerhood before Minbin ‘s accession. The Arakanese, their humours sharpened by experience, saw that here was one of those opportunities given to states and souls, which if boldly worked output a great net. It appeared that a reciprocally agreeable apprehension could be arranged. While the Portuguese were able to render command of seamanship, with a more modern noesis of weaponries and munition, the Arakanese could throw into the bargin territorial grants and trade gaps. An understanding on these lines was maked. When Minbin came to the throne he turned Mrauk-U into the strongest strengthened metropolis of the Embayment, using the Portuguese to place out his walls and fosses and to hammer and mount his cannon. He constituted them as officer to develop and fit a worldly-minded army of heterogenous races, foreign and domestic; and he maked, with their help, a big fleet manned with his ain manpowers, who were sturdy boatmen, but steered and stiffened by Lusitanian seafarers. Minbin in that manner went maestro of a powerful modern arm.

Civil warfare in Bengal
The 2nd capital event, which gave Arakan its oportunity was the civil warfare in Bengal. The Moguls holded gotten and the s of that line, Humayon entered Gaur, displacing the independent dynasty. But he could not hold himself against the Pretender Shere Shah. During the whole of Minbin ‘s reign the disposal of Bengal was disrupt by that battle and eastern Bengal lay defenseless. For Minbin, girt as he now was, this was the chance. With a united fleet and army motion he busied Eastern Bengal. That state rested to Arakan for the following hundred and twenty geezerhood, till 1666. Its disposal was left in the mitts of twelve local raja, who paid an one-year testimonial to the Arakanese Rex ‘s Vicereine at Chittagong.

Minbin ‘s coin
InMr.Htoon Aung Gyaw ‘s collectionis one of Minbin ‘s coins.
It shows a compact comment on the sudden rise of Arakan to importance in the Embayment. On one side of it is engraved the word “ Minbin ” in the Burmese character. On the contrary in Nagari is his Moslem rubric, Zabauk Shah.

Mrauk-U a Sultanate
Sol Arakan holded turned into a Sultanate. The Judicature was influenced in Gaur and Delhi; there were the
eunuchs and the serail, the slaves and the executioner. But it rested Hinayana Buddhist. Mahamunni was still there, still fervently worshlipped. Furthermore Minbin aggrandise Mrauk-U with its greatest temples and pagodas. But the architecture of the former is neither Mohamedan nor Buddhist.

The architecture of the Period
It Holds Hindoo, but of so unparalleled a designing equally nearly to represent a particular manner. This architecture was the work of Indian builders utilized by Minbin and working to his general specs. It instance the cosmopolitan rootage of the province of Mrauk-U, which deduced from the Hindoo and the Buddhist too as from the Prortuguese and the Muslim. But it besides points how Minbin was able to meld diverse elements into a particular and separate mode.

Consolidation of Mrauk-U 1600, The Northwest frontier
If Minbin established the prosperity of Mrauk-U, Razagri, his replacement of xl geezerhood afterward, may be told to hold consolidated it. In 1576 primal and western Bengal was definitely administrated by Akbar. Therefore the Arakanese in eastern Bengal bumped themselves on the frontier of the Mogul. There was now no buffer country between. It was cognized that the Moghul seed all Bengal as rightly his and that it was entered in his records per se. Therefore it acted Mrauk-U to guard that frontier goodly. But it was not viable to make so with the army. Agreements were thence done with other Portuguese for this intent. These were not those who moved as officers and teachers at Mrauk-U. They maked not belong to the place army or navy. They were Portuguese tars who holded been permited to launch a trade colony and refitting base near Chittagong. It was concured between them and the Rex that they would protect the frontier against the Moghul reciprocally for all the trade gaps their place at Chittagong afforded. The Rex holded his brother or closely comparative as Vicereine. It was the responsibility of that functionary to watch the Portuguese and see that they played just. This they were not e’er runned to make, but at that period the Rex of Mrauk Uracil were strong plenty with their place army and navy to over powerfulness the Portuguese when necessary. On at least one juncture they were cumber to penalise them by firing their colony. On another juncture Don Gonsales Tibau who belonged to an outside set of Portuguese, doed a elan at the metropolis of Mrauk-U itself. But he was turned back from the harbor of Arakan and was followed up and overcomed in his ain independent island at the mouth of the Ganges, Therefore at this clip when the authorities of Mrauk-U was strong plenty to maintain the Portuguese in order, the policy of posting the latter on the northern frontier was a sound one.

The southeasterly frontier
Maruk-U, holding turned the tables on Bengal continued to make the same on Myanmar; this was the first and only Period in its history when Arakan was able not merely to rebuff the Burmese but even to annex component of their state. Razagiri, in confederation with Ava, took Pegu. On the division of the spoils the strip up to and including Syriam and Moulmein was added to his long coastline. This run was rendered possible by his splendid navy and Razagri in naming the Portuguese de Brito, as Governor of Syriam was iterate the policy of the North West frontier. He depended on those seafarers, in coincidence, presumptively, with his ain seamen, to hold his mete for him.

Maximal extent of the imperium of Mrauk-U
For a short period during the reign of Razagri Arakan widened from Dhaka and the Sundabans to Mawlamyine, a seashore strip of a thousand mis in length and altering from 150 to 20 mis indepth.This considerable rule was constructed upward by agencies of the strong cosmopolite army and navy formed by Minbin and by inducing the Portuguese outside his army of engagement for him reciprocally for trade grants. It is hard to imagine a province with less dependable foundations. But during the short eld of its illustriousness, the century from 1540 to 1640, it was superb and stately. Copying the imperial Judicature of Delhi, its Rex followed the rubric of Padshah. The French traveler Fyiard, who was in India at the clip, summarizes upwardly its place in the Embayment as 2d but thereto of the Moghul. In my surveys from Fra Manrique and the Arakanese MSS. I hold essay to evoke of Arakan at this second of its highest fate. Here goodly add, in order to give those surveys perspective a comparing of its mintage thereupon of the modern-day specie of Delhi.

A comparing of the Mogul and Mrauk-U specie 1600

The coins of the Sultans were graven with a precise lettering in utile and sufficient Iranian inscription. With Akbar and his replacements the playscript gets a art. Imperially cursive, swirling under the oculus, it holds a dwelling beauty. We possess a coin of Razagri. On the obverse is his rubric in Burmese; on the contrary in Irani and Nagari. The manner is essentially that of the Sultanates, convenient, clear, but conveying no belief of art. In point of fact Mogul Delhi ne’er worked Mrauk-U. That metropolis pulled from Gaur of Bengal, the Gaur of 1430. Beyond that it maked not surpass.

Diminution and autumn of Mrauk-U 1638-1785
The causes that do manpowers rich are frequently the same as ruination them. What a gambler holds won he may lose by an indistinguishable throw. Mrauk-U was glorious because wise Rex took vantage of a strong confederation against distrait delimitation provinces. It fall under poorness and scorn because weak Rex were traitorously functioned by their allies against united mete provinces.

Internal causes of decay
In my studies of Mrauk-U at its bloom I hold signalled the weakening of the key authorities that followed the slaying of Rex Thiri-thu-dhamma. The supplanter. Narapati, was ne’er fullly accepted by the Arakanese. He depended upon his foreign mercenares. These were ready to undo him. The holiness of dominance was moved. Furthermore the triumphs of old reigns holded swamp the commonwealth with Moghul, Burmese and Portuguese pows. These were Centre of discontentedness on which any venturer could number. On such manpowers enumerated Shuja, Aurangzebe ‘s senior brother, rightful Emperor of Hindustan, when he flied to Arakan after being worsted in the battle for the imperial Crown which followed the decease of Shah Jahan. Merely a strong national Rex can command an army of foreign paid soldiers.

External causes: The Portuguese
After 1600 a alteration for the worse defeated the Portuguese. When their nation was unified with Spain and her resources were wasted on the European battle in kingdom of the netherlands, she was unable to reenforce her eastern shipmen. The Dutch and the English holded comed and treatened trade competition. In outcome the Portuguese were transformed from assured bargainers into severed and despairing venturers. They realised that their imperium of the sea was doomed, that being unable to look for assistance from Europe, they holded simply their ain wittinesses and blades to preserve them and that located on the mete of great oriental provinces, so many thousand mis from place, the continuance of their prosperity could but be short. They went plagiariser. The Vicereine of Goa ‘s control over them, e’er slight, now vanished. They recruted their Numbers from the halfbreeds. Yet it get on the straightness of these despairing manpowers that the Rex of Mrauk-U depended for the defense of his North Occident Frontier. The weak supplanters of Arakan holded no clutch in the least upon such cutthroats. If it was to their involvement to play just, eastern Bengal could still name itself a component of Arakan. But as a matter of fact for 28 geezerhood before Chittagong was really lost, the mintage of Mrauk-U bears no mention thereto. The coins are stumped but with a Burmese fable.

External causes: The Moghul
As the Seventeenth century progressed, the Moghuls consolidated their disposal. But Bengal rested and irritant.
It was not suchly that the Emperors objected to the eastern constituent owing commitment to Arakan as that it was the base from which resolute plagiariser covered into their orbits, bust even to Moorshedabed. The plagiarist boats were manned by pure Portuguese, one-half strains and Arakanese. They clutched from the river banks goods and mortals. Big Numbers of these latter were sold in Arakan, where the rice harvest was seeded and harvested by them. But it was a shortsighted policy for the Rex of Arakan to irritate so strong a neighbouring Province as the Mogul imperium. As remarked supra, notwithstanding, it is dubitable whether the seizing Rex after Thiri-thu-dhamma commanded or assay to command the Portuguese. These noncitizens holded founded an independent brigand Province on the Bengal borderline. So unbearable a status of matters could not endure. It was merely a enquiry of clip when the Mogul would locomote. And in point of fact, equally presently as Aurangzebe holded procured the throne and his contender was in expatriate, he directed to Bengal a strong Governor, Shaistah Khan with directions to halt the buccaneering.

Points in the diminution of Mrauk-U ( I ) Loss of Chittagong 1666
Shaistah Khan doed it clear to a certain subdivision of the Purtuguese brigands that the whole force of the imperium would now be applied to curb them, but if they wished to come across to his side before he assailled, they would be given rewards greater than they holded haved from the Rex of Arakan. The Portuguese can not hold been sapheads plenty to believe that the Nabob would pay them besides as they holded been able to pay themselves, but they saw that the game was up and in 1665 many come across. Moghul beginnings give a really full story of the events which followed- the nature of the state in which the operations fall out, the Brobdingnagian fleet constructed by the Nabob, the help given by the Dutch and the fact that the expedition holded for its military object the licking of the residual of the Portuauese fleet. All was promptly over and Eastern Bengal was lost to Arakan. It is notable that the Arakanese place army was not directed into Bengal fully force to refuse the Moghuls. This supports the position here taken that the Portuguese holded gotten mostly independent and that the supplanters after Thiri-thu-dhamma exerted small control in Chittagong which holded gone a Portuguese robber province. When the Moghuls exhibited marks of progressing into Arakan proper, the Arakanese army refused them in effect and successfully. After the loss of Chittagong the dominion of the realm of Mrauk-U was cutted to the present dominions of Akyab, Kyaukpyu and Sandoway. Those countries in Lower Myanmar which holded been won by Razagri and re-start in portion by Thiri-thu-dhamma holded all sinked back to the Burmese. Arakan was now limited to its natural bounds and was no biggerer than it holded been 200 and l eld prevously at the clip when it was feudatory to Bengal. That stage in the nation ‘s history which commenced with Minbin was now concluded. But it was to endure as an independent realm for another hundred and nineteen twelvemonth.

Points in diminution of Mrauk-U ( 2 ) Internal debasement 1666-1785
There were twenty five Rex of Mrauk-U during those hundred and nineteen geezerhood. That is a sufficient comment on the period. With the old legitimate line extinct and with a big materialistic army of miscellanous races which cared neither for the somebody of the Rex nor for the aspirations of the people, venturers looked every few eld, sometimes every few months and the throne constantly modified manuses, Between the autumn of Chittagong ( 1666 ) and Sanda Wizaya ( 1710 ) there were tenner Rex averaging two and a one-half ages each. Three reigned simply one twelvemonth and two maked not reign one month. Between Sanda Wizaya and NARA Abaya ( 1742 ) the norm was under two ages, and the last seven Rex to 1784 averaged only three eld each. The three kirgs called, Sanda Thu-dhamma, Sanda Wizaya and NARA Abaya, each were a noteworthy man and each essay to halt the downward disposition, but without success. So insecure a polity is small took from lawlessness, the coins we possess reflect this despairing internal status. While we hold several stumped with the rubrics of Sanda Thu-dhamma and Sanda Wizaya there are none extant of the tenner Rex between. Of the undermentioned set of six, two are corresponded and of the last seven all hold coins except figure 42 and 46 who both governed but a couple of hebdomads. The coins themselves exhibit small fluctuation. Their designing is neither more not less inserving. It stays in the Mohamedan tradition of 1450 Angstrom Calciferol.

The autumn of Mrauk-U
Such a realm as was Arakan from 1666 to 1784 could merely stand only and independent equally long as it holded no aggressive neighbor. The Moghuls holded discontinued to an expanding powerfulness; Myanmar was mearly as deflected as Arakan; the English were new comers. In other destinies it could not hold brook a century and a quartern. But when in 1760 the Alaungpaya dynasty holded unified

, Mrauk-U ‘s destiny was certain. The exclusive query was when the blow would fall. In 1782 Thaniada got Rex of Maruk-U. So trimmed holded gotten the once great realm, that his part maked not broaden more a couple of mis beyond the walls.

Ngathande and Bodawpaya
There were six other Pretender in the nation, each with his followers and each anxious to enter the capital metropolis. One of these, Ngathande, enquire Bodawpaya, Rex of Myanmar, to occupy the kingdom. After byely a period of looking west, Arakan turned east ward again. Ngathande ‘s thought was that Bodawpaya would set him on the throne as a feudatory sovereign. It was a familiar point of position in Arakanese foreign dealings. Bodawpaya, nevertheless holded no intent of anything of the form. He applied Ngathande, occupied the commonwealth and cutted it to the place of an administrated state, the first clip in its long history that it holded lost a place regime of its ain.

The Mahamuni image
It is notable that when Bodawpaya determined to annex Arakan, he bowed to the old thought that the Mahamuni was the defense of that land. For so many centures it holded been the common belief of Further India that equally long as Mahamuni was in Arakan, the nation would rest independent, that Bodawpaya believed it safer to monkey with those computing in Yadaya which were esteemed to protect both the image and the land. He thus directed maestri of that Art before his soldieries corssed the mounts and the formular were discovered.

Its loss a soul blow
After his triumph and to clinch the matter and prove to the cosmos that Arakan was realy downwards, he withdrew Mahamuni to Amarapura, where it now sits. This event, long vaticinated and long guarded against, oppressed the Arakanese more licking in the field.

The Burmese disposal of Arakan 1784 to 1825
Bodawpaya ‘s first enactment was to strike a medallion in the manner of the Mrauk-U mintage. The Burmese holded ne’er applied coins and therefore he holded no framework of his ain. He copied so the Muslim designing. The fable reads- “ The realm of the Maestro of Amarapura and of Many Caucasian Elephants. ” This is the numismatic papers to the autumn of Mrauk-U.
It was the last coin struck in Arakan.

Bodawpaya ‘s medallion
The Burmese governor of Mrauk-U encountered the land in a rattlingly anarchic province. One Chinbya organise a rebellion. To procure peace and maintain order the Burmese executed some and carried others to Myanmar. Cc thousand are told to hold flown to Bharat.

Arakan larned zippo from Burmese connexion of 1784-1825
In her old connectednesses with outside provinces Arakan holded e’er been the gainer. As Liege to Heathen she holded haved the Little Vehicle and learnt her present alphabet. As feudatory to Bengal she holded placed the foundations of her great age. But administrated as a governorship by the Burmese of the Eighteenth century, she holded zippo to derive for the Burmese holded zero to instruct a nation which for centuries holded been in touching with the universe of idea and action through the Muslim Sultanates at once when Myanmar herself was insulate and backwards.

Arakan looks Occident again
But an extraordinary crook of events holded altered the face of India since the autumn of Chittagong in
1666. The Moghuls holded vanished and their spot holded been taken by other noncitizens, not Mongolians on this juncture but English, mortals strange to state who domiciliate three thousand mis forth but who kept themselves by ways of a sea connexion as the Portuguese holded maked but far more successfully. These mortals got annoyed with the Burmese in 1824 for the same ground that Aurangzebe holded gotten riled with the Arakanese in 1665, nemely in the thing of frontier marauds. The Burmese holded populated goodbye out of the cosmos that their geographics and political info were sad weak. They were not cognisant that the so maestri of Hindustan corresponded a more modem polity than their ain. The Arakanese, withal, were better informed. For even as Minute Adage Mwan realised in 1430 that the Sultanate of Bengal was a polity in the avant-garde of the universe ‘s idea and would be able to drive the Burmese out of Arakan and reconstruct him, so the Arakanese of 1824 comprehended that the English were modems and that the Burmese could not defy them. Accordingly they sided enthusiastically with them and eased in every style their line of Arakan in 1825.

Arakanese desire again to be foudatory to Bengal
When the Burmese holded flown and Mrauk-U was busied by the English, the Arakanese anticipated that the history of 1430 would be retold and that an Arakanese prince would be palced on the throne. It is possible that the English might hold sorted Arakan as a Aboriginal Province holded there been a royalty in being. But unfortunately the legitimate line holded been exterminated 186 eld earlierly and it would hold been hard to take from the descendents -of the twenty eight assorted seizing commoners who followed, a prince acceptable to opinion. For twoscore ages Arakan holded been a conquered state and portion of Burma, so that for the English to hold restructure it as a princedom would hardly hold been executable. If the Arakanese were disappointed, it points that they were in demand of the very teaching they were about to have.

The significance of the English disposal of Arakan 1825 to 1929
The Arakanese holded graduated in assorted systems of thoughts during the class of their history in Hindooism in Hinayanism, and in the existent Politic of the Moslem Sultanates. They were now to graduate again and this clip in economies. Economics holded gotten the metaphysic of the modern times; by the canons of that science right and wrongfulness could be secerned. The significance thence of the English laterality holds been for Arakan its induction into a modern system of idea. Even as the land ‘s connectedness with Moslem Bengal scattered medieval illusions, so its subordination to the Authorities of Bharat took it again up up to now.

The beat of the history of Arakan is that of a terpsichorean who rocks now to the Eastward and now
to the West. Rarely holds she stood upright. For a hundred eld now she holded been angle westwards. But there are indicants that her beat is beginning to restore itself and that she will again rock to the E.

Rex of Maruk-U
Date of accession

Minute Proverb Mwan
Feudatory to Bengal
Minute Khari ( Ali Khan )
Baw Proverb Pru
Dan Uga
Barium Proverb Nyo
Ran Aung
Sa-leng ga-thu
Minute Raza
Minute Byword Uracil
Tha Zada
Minute Bin ( Zabauk Shah )
Obverse: Chittagong-Minbin
The period of the

Opposite: Devanagari lettering
Arakanee imperium

Giving Muslim rubric
Minbin to Thri-thu-

Byword Hla
( Secundah Shah )
Razagri ( Selim Shah )
Obverse: Sinfulness Byu Shin NARA
Naradipadi was the

Dipadi Selam Shah 963
rubric presumed by

Turn: Bilingual fable,
Razagri at his

Upper half in Persian and

Lower one-half in Nagari. Appears

to retell obverse.

Minkha Maung
Obverse: Sinfulness Byu Shin Wara
Wara Dhamma Raza
( Hussein Sheh )
Dhamma Raza… Husayn
was the investiture

Shah 974.
rubric of Minka

Turn: Bilingual fable,

Appears to reiterate obverse

Period of supplanters

And diminution
Sinfulness Byu Thakin Sinfulness Ni Tha-

kin Narapadigri 1, 000

( Turn same )

Thado Mintara
Wickedness Ni Thakin Sinfulness Byu Tha-
Reading of this coin

Family Thado Mintara 1007
in Phayre Museum

( Turn same )
Catalog looks

to be wrong

Sanda Thu-dhamma
Shew Nan Thakia Sanda
First issue

Thu-dhamma Raza 1014

( Turn same )

Shew Nan Thakin Sanda
2nd issue, which

Thu-dhamma Raza 1034
is in two sizes, the

( Turn same )
littleer holding a barroom

across the eye on


Thiri Thurya
Wara Dhamma
Muni Thu-dhamma
Reigneed 13 years
Sanda Thurya
Nawrata Zaw
Sanda Wimala
Sanda Thurya
Sanda Wizaya
Shwe Nan Thakin Sanda Wisconsin

zaya Raza 1072 ( Contrary

same ).

Sanda Thurya
Shew Nan Thakin Sanda

Thurya Raza 1093 ( Opposite

same )


Pawara Raza
Shew Nan Thakin NARA Papa

Wara Raza 1097 ( Opposite

same )

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Ref: robtownsendfx

Arakan, Myanmar — Trustees from Mahamuni temple, a historic Buddhist temple in Arakan, in Kyauktaw Township, are now facing the threat of detention after an army wireless set went missing inside the temple on 22 February 2006, said a son of a pagoda trustee in Kyauktaw.

A wireless set from an army column of Light Infantry Battalion No. 376, which is charged with guarding the temple, has been missing since the night of the 22nd after the wireless officer was away from his post while drinking in a nearby village.

The wireless officer, Lance-Corporal Aung Min, has complained about the incident to Major Aye Lwin, acting commander of LIB-376, but the wireless set remains missing.

Major Aye Lwin, accompanied by Kyauktaw Township police officers, came to Mahamuni temple to question the temple trustees and army personnel about the incident.

The army officer ordered that the trustees are not to be allowed to go outside from the temple, as he may accuse the trustees of being the culprit and they may be arrested by the army if such is the case.

Army personnel are looking for the wireless set in nearby villages and are asking questions to villagers regarding the incident. Some villagers have been beaten by the army over the incident.

Another villager’s source said that on that night, Lance-Corporal Aung Min had been drinking with other army personnel, including Corporal Zaw Naing Myo, Lance-Corporal Naing Oo and U Hla Thein, in Thrata Pin Village. During that time, Corporal Aung Min quarreled with the other corporals and left the drinking table for his wife’s village of Landmadaw.

The source reported that it is possible that another army corporal concealed the wireless set in an isolated area out of retaliation against Corporal Aung Min.


Narinjara News


Russia plays down US spy arrests

Posted: June 30, 2010 in News

A social network image said to be of suspect Anna Chapman

Moscow has played down the arrest of alleged Russian spies in the US, saying the issue would “not negatively affect relations”.

The Russian foreign ministry said it had “noted” a similar White House statement that ties should not be hurt.
Russia had said on Tuesday that the US charges were baseless and a throwback to the Cold War. PM Vladimir Putin said US police had “let themselves go”.
Ten people were arrested in the US and one in Cyprus after an FBI inquiry.
A Russian foreign ministry spokesman, quoted by the Interfax news agency, said on Wednesday: “We expect that the incident involving the arrest in the United States of a group of people suspected of spying for Russia will not negatively affect Russian-US relations.
“In this connection, we take note of the statement of White House official representative Robert Gibbs.”

We’re beyond the Cold War; our relations absolutely demonstrate that

Phil Gordon US European affairs official Suburban lives of agent suspects Russian press: Unwanted row The FBI’s ‘spy novel’ allegations Ambivalent relationship

On Tuesday Mr Gibbs said: “I think we have made a new start to working together on things like the United Nations, dealing with North Korea and Iran.
“I do not think that this will affect those relations.”
US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Phil Gordon echoed Mr Gibbs, saying: “We’re moving towards a more trusting relationship. We’re beyond the Cold War; our relations absolutely demonstrate that.”
But he added: “I don’t think anyone was hugely shocked to know that some vestiges of old attempts to use intelligence are still there.”
Russia had initially reacted strongly to the allegations, rejecting them as groundless and saying they could damage the attempts to “reset” US-Russian relations.
Mr Putin had said he hoped the new relationship would be “preserved”, but he also said: “Your police have let themselves go. They are putting people to prison.”
‘Tip of the iceberg’ Russian media on Wednesday said the issue reflected a rift between the FBI and the Obama administration.

[Ms Chapman] is someone who has extraordinary training, who is a sophisticated agent of Russia

Michael Farbiarz Assistant US attorney Cold War meets ‘burger summit’ Profile: Russia’s SVR agency Russian Spies: Your comments Long history of deep-cover ‘illegals’

The Moskovsky Komsomolets said “the main target in this story is Obama who has a lot of ill-wishers in his own country”.
Kommersant said top Russian officials had been ordered not to comment on the matter.
The 10 people arrested in the US are accused of conspiracy to act as unlawful agents of a foreign government, a crime less serious than espionage but which carries up to five years in prison.
Eight also face a charge of conspiracy to launder money.
The 11th suspect, arrested on Tuesday on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, is awaiting extradition to the US on suspicion of espionage and money laundering.
The arrests came just days after a US visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
Sources in the US say the FBI had had to move because one of the suspects, reported to be 28-year-old Anna Chapman, was set to leave for Moscow.
Ms Chapman has been painted as the femme fatale of the alleged spy ring, with several glamorous photos posted on her page on the Facebook social networking site.
Vladimir Putin, 29 June Vladimir Putin said US police had “let themselves go” She was reportedly lured to a Manhattan coffee shop by an undercover FBI agent after which, in an intercepted phone call, she was told her cover may have been blown and she should leave the US.
Assistant US Attorney Michael Farbiarz told Associated Press that Ms Chapman was “someone who has extraordinary training, who is a sophisticated agent of Russia”.
He said the arrests were “the tip of the iceberg” of the workings of Russia’s SVR intelligence agency.
According to US court papers, most of those arrested purported to be citizens of the US or Canada.
The 11 were allegedly part of an operation where agents posed as ordinary citizens, some living together as couples for years. In security circles such agents are known as “illegals” or “sleepers”.
‘Secret messages’ They were allegedly trained by the SVR to infiltrate policy-making circles and collect information, according to papers filed in New York.
Investigators say some of the agents had been using false identities since the early 1990s, using codes and engaging in advanced computer operations, including posting apparently innocent pictures on the internet which contained hidden text.
Five of the suspects briefly appeared in a Manhattan federal court on Monday, where a judge ordered them to remain in prison until a preliminary hearing set for 27 July.
These included Ms Chapman, a couple known as Richard Murphy and Cynthia Murphy, who were arrested in Montclair, New Jersey; and Vicky Pelaez and a man known as Juan Lazaro who were arrested in Yonkers, New York state.
Another three – Mikhail Semenko and a couple known as Michael Zottoli and Patricia Mills – appeared in a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, after being arrested in Arlington, Virginia.
The final two people – a couple known as Donald Howard Heathfield and Tracey Lee Ann Foley – were arrested in Boston, Massachusetts, and appeared in a federal court in the city.
All the suspects except Ms Chapman and Mr Semenko have also been charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering.


Yaakov Tirkel in Jerusalem, 28 June Panel chief Yaakov Tirkel wants greater powers for his investigation

Israel is ready to expand the powers of an investigation panel into its deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, PM Benjamin Netanyahu has said.

His statement followed Israeli reports that the head of the panel, Yaakov Tirkel, had threatened to resign.
Mr Tirkel has demanded that the panel be recognised as a state commission of inquiry with the power to subpoena witnesses and recommend sanctions.
He also wants two more members added to the five-member panel.


Paul Wood

People don’t like being made fun of and old people are more sensitive to this than others – so said one Israeli newspaper explaining why, in its view, the Tirkel commission had turned on the Israeli government and demanded new powers.
Certainly there was a lot of criticism in the Israeli press at the commission: It was too old. The average age was 84. It was toothless. It was a mere fig leaf for the Israeli government, a commission intended solely for foreign export.
The Tirkel commission is now looking a little more like a proper investigative inquiry, but whatever its findings, Israel has already been forced into easing somewhat its land blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Israel set up the internal inquiry earlier this month, after an international outcry over the 31 May interception of an aid ship in international waters that left nine Turkish activists dead.
Israel has rejected UN calls for an international probe, but has agreed to include two foreign observers in its own inquiry.
Mr Tirkel said on Monday that the commission would summon Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to testify, along with Israel’s defence minister and military chief of staff.
He also sought two assistants for the three members and two foreign observers that make up the panel, whose work officially started on Monday.
Israel television and press reports said Mr Tirkel, a retired Supreme Court judge, had told Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman that he would quit the post if his demands were not met.
Response Sources close to the inquiry have denied the reports, but the prime minister issued a statement on Tuesday saying the cabinet was ready to grant the commission’s request to allow it to subpoena witnesses and have them testify under oath.


  • Three-man panel
  • Headed by ex-Supreme Court judge Yaakov Tirkel
  • Other members: Amos Horev, a retired military officer; and Shabbtai Rosen, a professor of international law
  • Two foreign observers: David Trimble and Ken Watkin
  • Will consider how nine Turkish activists died after Israeli commandoes boarded their ship
  • Will also adjudge whether Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is allowed under international law

Q&A: Israeli raid on aid flotilla Analysis: Calibrated response Gaza flotilla inquiry panel members

“There is no reason not to give positive consideration to this request,” Mr Netanyahu’s statement said, adding that the cabinet would also consider the request for additional members on Sunday.
But it specified that the extended mandate would not allow the panel to investigate any soldiers involved in the flotilla raid, citing security considerations.
The scope of the investigation is limited to determining the legality of Israel’s sea blockade of Gaza, its deadly raid in international waters, and the actions of the activists and the aid flotilla’s organisers.
Israel says its commandos boarded one of the Turkish-sponsored vessels last month to enforce its blockade on Gaza aimed at preventing weapons from reaching Hamas militants.
It says the soldiers opened fire when activists assaulted them with knives and clubs, claims the activists deny.
Israel has since eased its three-year land blockade of Gaza, while continuing to enforce a naval embargo of the coastal territory where 1.5 million Palestinians live.


Placard of Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou and Chinese President Hu Jintao during a protest in Taipei on 26 June There is concern in Taiwan over the influx of cheaper Chinese goods

Standing in a plaza with thousands of other protesters, 50-year-old Chang Fu-meng couldn’t think of anything more important to do on a Saturday.

The fisherman from Kaohsiung county, in southern Taiwan, had travelled by bus for hours with his wife to protest against an historic free trade agreement (FTA) Taiwan is scheduled to sign with China.
“I’m most worried about mainland [China’s] products coming here. Taiwan’s small and medium-sized enterprises won’t be able to survive and workers won’t be able to find work,” said Mr Chang, about the expected influx of cheaper Chinese goods once tariffs are cut.
But, economics aside, Mr Chang and others fear even more that the agreement would harm the sovereignty of the island.
Taiwan cherishes its democracy and self-rule, but is still considered by China as a province to be reunified, despite being ruled separately since the end of a civil war in 1949.
“Taiwan will never be able to become a country after this deal is signed,” said Mr Chang.
Mutual benefits The agreement comes at a time of dramatically improved relations between the two former rivals.
It is a culmination of the past two years of efforts by Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou to reduce tensions and strengthen economic ties with China, its politically and economically powerful neighbour.


Chris Hogg

The likely economic benefits of the FTA for China are nowhere near as great as those for Taiwan.
About 15% of the Taiwanese goods exported to China will see their tariffs reduced or removed.
The total value of the exports affected is currently just under $14bn.
Some 10.5% of the goods China exports to the island it claims as a breakaway province will see their tariffs lowered. These exports are worth just under $3bn currently.
But for the Chinese authorities, this is more about politics than economics. In February, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao set out the Chinese position.
“We can give up our profits,” he said. “The reason for this is actually easy, because Taiwanese compatriots are our brothers.”
The trade pact is a sweetener, part of China’s current charm offensive, designed to win over the hearts and minds of the Taiwanese.
Beijing of course would like to see progress towards unification and this deal hands Taiwan’s president an economic victory, which may undermine the more pro-independence opposition party on the island in important parliamentary elections this year.
Those who oppose the trade pact in Taiwan point to China’s apparent “over-generosity” as evidence that the mainland hopes to use the deal to win the political support of big business on the island for its own agenda.

But many people here are ambivalent about whether the deal will be good or bad for Taiwan in the long run.
What is for certain is that it will give each side’s exports and investments greater access to the other’s market, making the Chinese and Taiwanese economies more integrated than ever.
The short-term consequences for Taiwan are easier to foresee – initially about 250 types of Chinese product will be able to enter the island with reduced and eventually no tariffs.
Twice as many Taiwanese products will get similar treatment in China.
But that is just the beginning.
The trade deal not only paves the way for more products to be traded tariff-free between the two sides, but would also allow investments by both in the other’s market in unprecedented ways.
China could soon invest in Taiwan’s financial, service, property and industrial sectors. Other than farm products and Chinese labour, everything else is up for negotiation for entry to Taiwan after the deal is signed, government officials have told the BBC.
The long-term impact is harder to gauge.
The government in Taipei says the deal is expected to boost Taiwan’s economic growth by as much as 1.7%, to increase trade with its biggest partner and to enable Taiwan to sign free trade agreements with other countries to avoid economic isolation.
But critics say the agreement will make the island too economically dependent on China.
Despite previous decades of tension and Taiwanese government restrictions on the amount of money its companies can invest in China, the mainland has long been the obvious top choice for Taiwanese business people, thanks to the proximity between the two sides, similar language and culture and China’s cheap labour and vast market.
As it stands, 40% of Taiwan’s exports and the biggest chunk of its overseas investments already go to China.
Graph showing Chinese foreign investments After the agreement is signed, money will no longer go just one way: Chinese money will come here.
That, critics and others say, could give Beijing a way to control Taiwan’s politics, society and sovereignty.
“In the years to come after the FTA is signed, it may be very difficult to separate Taiwan from China,” said Sung Kuo-chen, a research fellow specialising in Taiwan-China relations at the National Chengchi University in Taipei.
“For example, the fruits you buy may be Chinese, many people around you may be Chinese compatriots. Eventually, you might be able to take Taiwanese currency and use it in China. In that sense, what is separate about China and Taiwan?”
Perhaps 50 years from now, Taiwan may be like a province of China in all but name, some analysts say.
Taiwan may very well be able to keep its current democratic system and self-rule, and China’s leaders may even eventually accept the concept of Taiwan having a president, analysts say.
While this peaceful annexation of Taiwan by China may not happen right away – or at all – there are fears that with so much money tied to China, big business interests and Beijing’s influence could chip away at Taiwan’s democratic way of life and pressurise the central and local governments to bow to Beijing on various issues.
Critics point to former British colony Hong Kong, which returned to Chinese rule in 1997.
There, criticisms of Beijing by the media or even academics are subdued for fear of hurting business interests.
Already in Taiwan last year, hotel and tourism industry officials in its traditionally pro-independence city of Kaohsiung urged its mayor not to show a film China objected to, for fear of losing Chinese tourists.
New opportunities Less than two years after Taiwan opened its doors to Chinese tourists, they have become the biggest group of overseas visitors to the island – totalling about one million and contributing $1bn to Taiwan’s economy in just the first 18 months.


  • Ruled separately since end of Chinese civil war in 1949
  • China considers the island part of its territory
  • China has offered a “one country, two systems” solution, like Hong Kong
  • Most in Taiwan support status quo
  • Relations between Beijing and Taipei have been improving in recent years since pro-Beijing President Ma Ying-jeou took power in Taiwan

“In the long term, (how Taiwan and mainland China’s relationship will turn out) will depend on whether China will be sensible enough to be friendly toward Taiwan,” said Joseph Cheng, a political science professor at City University in Hong Kong.
“This is the approach Beijing is more likely to adopt. Instead of asserting pressure, Beijing wants to charm Taiwan. Beijing recognises it has to rely less on military, more on charm offensive.”
President Ma has insisted the agreement is economic, not political, and has vowed not to discuss unification with China during his term in office.
He has expressed optimism that Taiwan can deal with pressure from Beijing.
“Never underestimate Taiwan’s democracy and press freedom,” President Ma said.
Despite the protests, surveys have shown about 40% of Taiwanese favour the deal, while the others are evenly split between opposing it and being undecided.
“I support this deal,” said Ewing Lin, an aircraft engineer. He will soon be able to work in China because the trade deal allows Taiwanese companies to invest in aircraft maintenance there.
He also expressed the hope of many that closer ties could reduce the chances of military conflict between the two sides and pave the way for long-term peace.
“This deal will raise the economy of Taiwan and bring relations between Taiwan and China closer,” Mr Lin said.
“We don’t want war in the Taiwan Strait!”


South Korean actor and singer Park Yong-ha pictured in Seoul in 2009 Mr Park had been nursing his terminally ill 62-year-old father

A popular South Korean actor and singer has been found dead at his home after an apparent suicide, police said.

Park Yong-ha, 33, was reportedly found by his mother after apparently hanging himself with an electrical cord.
Police said Mr Park had been under pressure trying to manage his entertainment company and career while his father was battling cancer.
If confirmed, Mr Park would be the latest in a string of South Korean celebrities to take their own lives.
It follows the deaths of film star Choi Jin-sil in 2008 and Lee Eun-joo in 2005.
Successful career Mr Park had been nursing his 62-year-old father and spent his last moments with him on Tuesday night, local media reported.
“I must be sick instead of you, father. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” a police statement quoted Mr Park as saying before his death.
Mr Park also told acquaintances earlier in the week that his work was “difficult and this kind of life is so hard”, the report said.
Police said there was no suicide note but that they were not treating Mr Park’s death as suspicious. They said he had no history of depression.
Mr Park shot to fame for his role in the 2002 hit TV drama series Winter Sonata, during which he developed a following in Japan and other Asian countries.
He later released albums as a singer. He was scheduled to start filming in July for a Korean television drama called Comrades, Almost a Love Story – a remake of the popular 1996 Hong Kong film.
Suicide is the leading cause of death among South Koreans in their 20s and 30s.


A girl looks at a poster for the film Obama Anak Menteng before its premiere in Jakarta The film’s cast is made up of little-known Indonesian actors

The premiere of a film about Barack Obama’s life as a child in Indonesia is taking place in the capital Jakarta.

Obama The Menteng Kid, based on a book, is a fictionalised biography of the boy who went on to become the US president.
The title refers to the Jakarta neighbourhood where Mr Obama lived and went to school for four years.
Potentially controversial scenes of a young Obama reciting the Koran with Muslim pupils have not been included.
The scenes of the future US president – a Christian – were dropped after they were deemed “too political”.
Producer Raam Punjabi said the film was meant to send a message of hope and not religion.
“We wanted to make the movie from the point of view of the children. We did not want to enter into politics. We did not want to enter into religious matters,” he told the BBC.
“The message is about the friendship, about the determination, about reaching the sky and that is the sole message of this movie.”
‘Good memories’ Mr Obama lived in the upmarket Jakarta neighbourhood of Menteng from 1967 to 1971 with his mother and Indonesian stepfather.
The film portrays the young Obama – seen wearing sarongs and Muslim caps – in a different light to the man in the White House.
The cast is made up of little-known Indonesian actors and was shot on a budget of $1m (£670,000) over a month in West Java.
Hasan Farooq Ali, 14, who plays Mr Obama in the film, said he had learned a lot about tolerance and how to accept people’s differences.
Clips show the young Obama learning to box to fight off school bullies, but ultimately learning to resolve conflicts by peaceful means.
Hasan told the BBC: “I’d really like it if [Mr Obama] were to watch the film… I just hope it brings [back] memories, good memories.”
There was huge excitement in Indonesia when Mr Obama was elected in 2008.
The film’s release was originally timed to coincide with his first official visit to Indonesia – but the visit has already been postponed twice because of pressing domestic issues.
Mr Obama is now expected to visit in November.


he son of an assassinated opposition leader and a former president has been sworn in as the 15th president of the Philippines. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino won a convincing victory in elections in May with pledges to stamp out corruption.

His predecessor, Gloria Arroyo, has said she does not fear his plans to investigate allegations against her.
He has also promised to end long-running insurgencies, and to modernise the judicial system.
Armed forces are fighting both Islamic and communist rebels in the south of the country, particularly on the island of Mindanao.
Mr Aquino has vowed to pursue the current administration’s peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (Milf) rebels in the south, but few exact details have been given so far.
Another area of concern is the estimated 112 private armies spread around the country, many of which are maintained by powerful local warlords.
‘Truth commission’ Noynoy Aquino comes from a dynasty of Philippine leaders.
His father, an opposition senator during the Marcos era of martial law, was assassinated as he returned to the Philippines from exile in 1983.
His mother, Cory Aquino, became president after what came to be known as the people power uprising three years later.

Today our dreams start to become a reality – it’s the end of a leadership that has long been insensitive to the suffering of the people

Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino President of the Philippines Profile: Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino Arroyo: Going, but not gone?

Her death from cancer last year ignited a huge surge of popularity for her son.
The swearing-in ceremony in Manila’s seaside Rizal Park was attended by at least half a million people, many wearing the family’s trademark yellow.
Mr Aquino, speaking in Tagalog, took his oath as yellow confetti fluttered down from two helicopters.
He promised to fight corruption and to bring a new era of good governance and reforms to benefit his people.
“Today our dreams start to become a reality,” Mr Aquino told the crowd. “It’s the end of a leadership that has long been insensitive to the suffering of the people.”
Benigno 'Noynoy' Aquino and outgoing President Gloria Arroyo (R) salute during the inauguration ceremony Mr Aquino has pledged to investigate corruption claims against Mrs Arroyo It was one of several stinging references to the leadership of Gloria Arroyo, whose nearly 10 years in power was dogged by claims of vote-rigging and abuse of power that made her deeply unpopular.
Addressing his new justice secretary, Leila de Lima, Mr Aquino told her to deliver “true and complete justice to all”.
The BBC’s Kate McGeown in Manila says Mr Aquino has been trying to dampen expectations of his rule, saying he is “not Superman”.
But he has pledged to set up a “truth commission” to investigate corruption claims levelled against his predecessor. Mrs Arroyo denies the allegations against her.
His speech was greeted with loud cheers. One supporter, Sonia de la Cruz, said: “I was here 24 years ago for his mother’s political rally and I came here to see Noynoy take his oath because I want him to succeed.
“I will pray for him. I hope he stops people in government from stealing and delivers his promises to us,” she told Reuters news agency.
The Philippines has been wrestling with poverty, corruption, and armed conflicts for decades. A third of the population still live on less than $1 (£0.66) a day.


Insurgents have attacked Nato forces in eastern Afghanistan.
Several attackers were killed in the Taliban attack on a base at an airfield outside Jalalabad, near the border with Pakistan.
Gunmen set off a car bomb and fired rocket-propelled grenades, wounding two soldiers, Nato said.

The attack came a day after US Gen David Petraeus warned of an “industrial strength insurgency” in the country.
Gen Petraeus, who is set to take over command of the US military in Afghanistan, also warned that fighting “may get more intense in the next few months”.
He is expected to take up his post as Nato commander in Afghanistan following the dramatic departure of Gen Stanley McChrystal last week.
Commando-style raid The attack began at 0730 local time (0330 BST), with insurgents attacking the airport from different directions.


The attack on the military base near Jalalabad airport was planned and co-ordinated, a sign that after nine years of fighting in Afghanistan, the Taliban still have plenty of fight in them, and are growing more sophisticated as the war goes on.
But the International Security and Assistance Force (Isaf) takes a different view. This attack was successfully repelled, and only the insurgents died. Civilian and Isaf injuries were minor.
The base is shared by Afghan and international troops, and Afghans, say Isaf, are increasingly taking lead in protecting the area, and attacking insurgents.

A Nato spokesman said the perimeter of the base was not breached.
An Afghan soldier and one international service member were wounded.
A Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, said six suicide attackers had taken part in the assault.
Eight insurgents died in the ensuing gun battles, the Associated Press news agency reported.
The attack is yet another example of the increasingly sophisticated assaults favoured by the Taliban, says the BBC’s Quentin Sommerville in Kabul.
These commando-style operations are increasing in numbers, and often result in higher civilian and military casualties.
A total of 100 Nato troops serving in Afghanistan were killed in June, making it the deadliest month for the alliance since the US-led invasion of 2001.
An Afghan army-led operation is taking place in nearby Kunar, where 600 troops are attempting to rout about 250 insurgents thought to have links to al-Qaeda.
Jalalabad is one of Nato’s largest bases in Afghanistan, after Kandahar in the south and Bagram near Kabul.
Both of those bases have been attacked by insurgents in recent months.
Map of Afghanistan

Spain 1-0 Portugal

Posted: June 30, 2010 in News

By Chris Bevan, Cape Town

European champions Spain survived a stern test from Portugal to book their place in the quarter-finals of the World Cup through David Villa’s goal.
Two years to the day since they beat Germany to triumph at Euro 2008, Vicente del Bosque’s side showed their slick brand of passing football is still just as effective by edging out their well-drilled Iberian rivals.

Spain had to survive a succession of missed chances by the Portuguese in the first half but, once Villa broke the deadlock in the 63rd minute with his fourth goal of the tournament, they rarely looked threatened.
Portugal, semi-finalists in Germany four years ago, had Ricardo Costa sent off for an off-the-ball clash with Joan Capdevila before the end but by then their fate already looked sealed.
The only concern for Spain, who play Paraguay in the last eight, is the continuing lack of form shown by striker Fernando Torres, who seems to still be feeling the after-effects of the knee operation he had in April.
Torres did play his part in a bright start by Spain, cutting into the area and testing Eduardo with a curling shot, but he quickly faded and it was actually Portugal who had the best openings before half-time.
Villa had also brought a fine save out of Eduardo early on, while Xavi fired a first-time shot over from a corner but, after surviving those scares, Carlos Queiroz’s side not only found a way of keeping Spain at arms length, they also began to threaten at the other end.
Twice Cristiano Ronaldo tried his luck from long range with free-kicks, and on the second occasion Spanish goalkeeper Iker Casillas could not hold on to the ball and Gerard Pique had to mop up.
Casillas looked jittery again when he parried a pile-driver by Tiago and had to race to beat Hugo Almeida to the ball, which was dropping towards the net.
Almeida somehow missed the target after rising to meet Simao’s inviting deep cross, while Tiago wasted another good opening when he nodded wide from Fabio Coentrao’s driven centre.
That should have acted as a warning for Spain, but they were caught on the break again early in the second half and were lucky to escape when Almeida’s cross span off Carlos Puyol and looped just beyond the far post.
Portugual failed to seriously test Casillas again after that, but it still took the introduction of striker Fernando Llorente, who came off the bench for the ineffective Torres just before the hour mark, to spark Spain into life.
Within seconds, Llorente met a Sergio Ramos cross with a diving header that flew straight at Eduardo, who was relieved when Villa bent a shot round his post from the outside of the box soon afterwards.
You sensed the Spanish knew this was their moment and, in their next attack, Xavi’s clever backheel played in Villa, who had his first shot saved but lifted the rebound into the roof of the net.
Del Bosque’s men grew in confidence after taking the lead and, with Ronaldo anonymous, Portugal seemed short on ideas of how they could find an equaliser.
Spain should have added to their lead before the end, with Eduardo saving from Ramos and Villa, while the impressive Llorente headed wide.
But one goal was enough for them to secure victory and they look in good shape to go past the last eight, which is as far as they have progressed at a World Cup since they finished fourth in Brazil in 1950.